Featured Class
Full Vinyasa PrimaryTuesday, May 28, 2019
Led by Kim Johnson
Featured Class: Full Moon Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Led by Kim Johnson
On the days of Full and New Moon, the sun and moon are aligned in such a way that exerts a greater gravitational force on the planet. This energetic force affects uses human beings and can impact our practice both mentally and physically, which is why on the night of the Full Moon, we take rest. As the Full Moon approaches, every builds and we may feel headstrong and invincible. But, as human beings we are comprised of 70% water and all things water are affected by the phases of the moon. Our energy rises and rushes and recedes as does the ocean’s tide. We move in rhythm and reverence of Mother Nature.
No late entrances or early exits.
This practice is accessible to everyone who’s practiced yoga before and is recommended for anyone seeking to build up their own inner resources of strength and stamina.